
This is a script for uploading one or more distributions to CPAN using PAUSE,
the Perl Authors Upload SErver. For example, to upload a previous version of
this script's distribution, I ran:

	% cpan-upload -verbose cpan-upload-1.06.tar.gz

The upload happens in two steps:

     *	first we ftp the file(s) to the upload ftp site
     *	we POST a message to the PAUSE web site to register the uploads

Before using the script you must register with PAUSE to get a username
and password. See the following for more details:

To install this script, you should just have to run the following:

	% perl Makefile.PL
	% make install

The script is fully documented using pod. Once installed you should get
a man page. It also supports two informational switches:

	-help	display a short help message describing command-line options
	-doc	display the complete pod documentation for cpan-upload

The script requires several modules from CPAN. You can get the latest
version via the CPAN multiplexor at

	What		Where

	AppConfig::Std	$CPAN/authors/id/NEILB/AppConfig-Std-<version>.tar.gz
	AppConfig	$CPAN/authors/id/ABW/
	Pod::Usage	In the PodParser distribition
	Net::FTP	in the libnet distribution
	LWP		$CPAN/modules/by-module/LWP/
	Term::ReadKey	$CPAN/modules/by-module/Term/

Thanks to Andreas for his help in getting this to talk nicely to PAUSE.

I'd be happy to hear of any suggestions for improving this script.

Neil Bowers <>
$Id: README,v 2.2 2002/07/02 21:44:51 neilb Exp $