=pod =head1 NAME App::oaf - Output stdin as a GitHub/Slack/Jira etc... formatted code, list, or quote =head1 SYNOPSIS Output as Format will read from stdin and output code, lists, or quotes based on the provided options and/or environment variables. usage: oaf [-1mpsLQ] [-f format] [-l lang] [--list[1]] [--quote] Output stdin according to the given options -f FORMAT Format to output, defaults to markdown -h, --help Display this message -l LANG Programming language of stdin, if supported by FORMAT -L, --list Output a bullet point list using FORMAT, each line is a list item -1, --list1 Output a numbered list using FORMAT, each line is a list item -m Force multiline output, if supported by FORMAT -p Print the supported formats and exit -Q, --quote Output as a quote in FORMAT -s Force single line output, if supported by FORMAT --version Print the version =head1 EXAMPLES Output as GitHub Flavored Markdown: cat some-code | oaf -f github -l perl ```perl my $n = foo(); return unless $n > 100; ``` Output as MediaWiki: cat some-code | oaf -f mediawiki -l perl <syntaxhighlight lang="perl"> my $n = foo(); return unless $n > 100; </syntaxhighlight> Output a Markdown list: echo -e "line1\nline2\nline3" | oaf --list * line1 * line2 * line3 Output a numbered list formatted for JIRA: echo -e "line1\nline2\nline3" | oaf --list1 -f jira # line1 # line2 # line3 Output a quote formatted for Org mode: echo -e "line1\nline2\nline3" | oaf --quote -f orgmode #+BEGIN_QUOTE line1 line2 line3 #+END_QUOTE =head1 INSTALLATION Currently there are two ways to install. This requires your system to have L<Perl|https://www.perl.org/get.html> installed. Unless you're on Windows you probably have it (here in 2019). =head2 Download curl -o oaf https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sshaw/output-as-format/master/oaf chmod 555 oaf =head2 CPAN cpan App::oaf =head1 SUPPORTED FORMATS & SERVICES =over 2 =item * Bitbucket =item * Disqus =item * GitHub =item * GitLab =item * HipChat =item * HTML =item * JIRA =item * Markdown =item * MediaWiki =item * Org-mode =item * POD =item * reStructuredText =item * Slack =back =head1 DEFAULTS Defaults can be set by the following environment variables: =over 2 =item * C<OAF_FORMAT> - output format =item * C<OAF_LANG> - input programming language =back The default format is Markdown. There is no default programming language. =head1 AUTHOR Skye Shaw (sshaw [AT] gmail.com) =head1 SEE ALSO L<copy-as-format|https://github.com/sshaw/copy-as-format> for Emacs, from which this is based. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Skye Shaw. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.