[](https://github.com/tecolicom/Text-ANSI-Tabs/actions) [](https://metacpan.org/release/Text-ANSI-Tabs) # NAME Text::ANSI::Tabs - Tab expand and unexpand with ANSI sequence # SYNOPSIS use Text::ANSI::Tabs qw(:all); use Text::ANSI::Tabs qw(ansi_expand ansi_unexpand); ansi_expand($text); ansi_unexpand($text); use Text::ANSI::Tabs; Text::ANSI::Tabs::expand($text); Text::ANSI::Tabs::unexpand($text); # VERSION Version 1.0501 # DESCRIPTION ANSI sequence and Unicode wide characters aware version of Text::Tabs. # FUNCTION There are exportable functions start with `ansi_` prefix, and unexportable functions without them. - **expand**(_text_, ...) - **ansi\_expand**(_text_, ...) Expand tabs. Interface is compatible with [Text::Tabs](https://metacpan.org/pod/Text%3A%3ATabs)::expand(). Default tabstop is 8, and can be accessed through `$Text::ANSI::Tabs::tabstop` variable. Option for the underlying `Text::ANSI::Fold` object can be passed by first parameter as an array reference, as well as `Text::ANSI::Tabs->configure` call. my $opt = [ tabhead => 'T', tabspace => '_' ]; ansi_expand($opt, @text); Text::ANSI::Tabs->configure(tabstyle => 'bar'); ansi_expand(@text); See [Text::ANSI::Fold](https://metacpan.org/pod/Text%3A%3AANSI%3A%3AFold) for detail. - **unexpand**(_text_, ...) - **ansi\_unexpand**(_text_, ...) Unexpand tabs. Interface is compatible with [Text::Tabs](https://metacpan.org/pod/Text%3A%3ATabs)::unexpand(). Default tabstop is same as `ansi_expand`. Please be aware that, current implementation may add and/or remove some redundant color designation code. # METHODS - **configure** Confiugre and return the underlying `Text::ANSI::Fold` object. Related parameters are those: - **tabstop** => _num_ Set the value of variable `$Text::ANSI::Tabs::tabstop` to _num_. - **tabhead** => _char_ - **tabspace** => _char_ Tab character is converted to **tabhead** and following **tabspace** characters. Both are white space by default. - **tabstyle** => _style_ Set tab expansion style. This parameter set both **tabhead** and **tabspace** at once according to the given style name. Each style has two values for tabhead and tabspace. If two style names are combined, like `symbol,space`, use `symbols`'s tabhead and `space`'s tabspace. - **minimum** => _num_ By default, **unexpand** converts two or more consecutive whitespace characters into tab characters. This parameter specifies the minimum number of whitespace characters to be converted to tabs. Specifying it to 1 will convert all possible whitespace characters. See [Text::ANSI::Fold](https://metacpan.org/pod/Text%3A%3AANSI%3A%3AFold) for detail. # SEE ALSO [App::ansiexpand](https://metacpan.org/pod/App%3A%3Aansiexpand), [https://github.com/tecolicom/App-ansiexpand](https://github.com/tecolicom/App-ansiexpand) [Text::ANSI::Tabs](https://metacpan.org/pod/Text%3A%3AANSI%3A%3ATabs), [https://github.com/tecolicom/Text-ANSI-Tabs](https://github.com/tecolicom/Text-ANSI-Tabs) [Text::ANSI::Fold::Util](https://metacpan.org/pod/Text%3A%3AANSI%3A%3AFold%3A%3AUtil), [https://github.com/tecolicom/Text-ANSI-Fold-Util](https://github.com/tecolicom/Text-ANSI-Fold-Util) [Text::ANSI::Fold](https://metacpan.org/pod/Text%3A%3AANSI%3A%3AFold), [https://github.com/tecolicom/Text-ANSI-Fold](https://github.com/tecolicom/Text-ANSI-Fold) [Text::Tabs](https://metacpan.org/pod/Text%3A%3ATabs) # AUTHOR Kazumasa Utashiro # LICENSE Copyright 2021-2024 Kazumasa Utashiro. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.