![hack.exe in action](../flair/demo.gif)

# App::Hack::Exe

A script that simulates a "hacking program", as often seen in movies.

To run:

hack.exe <HOSTNAME>


hack.exe google.com

## Installation

The simplest way to install `App::Hack::Exe` is via `cpanm`:

cpanm App::Hack::Exe

One can also install from source by first cloning the repository:

git clone https://codeberg.org/h3xx/perl-App-Hack-Exe.git

then installing the build dependencies:

cpanm Carp Socket Term::ANSIColor Time::HiRes

followed by the usual build and test steps:

perl Makefile.PL
make test

If all went well, you can now install the distribution by running:

make install

## Author

- Dan Church (h3xx[attyzatzat]gmx[dottydot]com)

## License and Copyright

Copyright (C) 2023 Dan Church.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the [same terms as Perl itself](https://dev.perl.org/licenses/).

## Thanks

Thanks to janbrennen's [original idea](https://github.com/janbrennen/rice/blob/master/hack.exe.c).