# NAME Text::AAlib - Perl Binding for AAlib # SYNOPSIS use Text::AAlib; use Imager; my $img = Imager->new( file => 'sample.jpg' ); my ($width, $height) = ($img->getwidth, $img->getheight); my $aa = Text::AAlib->new( width => $width, height => $height, mask => AA_REVERSE_MASK, ); $aa->put_image(image => $img); print $aa->render(); # DESCRIPTION Text::AAlib is perl binding for AAlib. AAlib is a library for creating ascii art(AA). # INTERFACE ## Class Methods ### `Text::AAlib->new(%args)` Creates and returns a new Text::AAlib instance. `%args` is: - width :Int Width of output file. - height :Int Height of output file. - mask :Int Masks for attribute. Supported masks are `AA_NORMAL_MASK`, `AA_DIM_MASK`, `AA_BOLD_MASK`, `AA_BOLDFONT_MASK`, `AA_REVERSE_MASK`. ## Instance Methods ### `$aalib->putpixel(%args)` - x :Int x-coordinate of pixel. `x` parameter should be 0 <= `x` <= `width`. `width` is parameter of constructor. - y :Int y-coordinate of pixel. `y` parameter should be 0 <= `y` <= `height`. `height` is parameter of constructor. - color :Int Brightness of pixel. `color` parameter should be 0 <= `color` <= 255. ### `$aalib->puts(%args)` - x :Int x-coordinate. - y :Int y-coordinate - string :Str String set - attribute :Enum(enum aa\_attribute) Buffer attribute. This parameter should be AA\_NORMAL, AA\_BOLD, AA\_DIM, AA\_BOLDFONT, AA\_REVERSE. ### `$aalib->put_image(%args)` - x :Int = 0 x-coordinate. - y :Int = 0 y-coordinate - image :Imager Image as Imager object ### `$aalib->render(%args) :Str` Render buffer and return it as plain text. You can specify render parameter following - bright :Int - contrast :Int - gamma :Float - dither :Enum - inversion :Int ### `$aalib->as_string($with_attr) :Str` Return AA as string. If `$with_attr` is true, text attribute(BOLD, DIM, REVERSE) is enable. ### `$aalib->resize()` Resize buffers at runtime. ### `$aalib->flush()` Flush buffers. ### `$aalib->close()` Close AAlib context. # AUTHOR Syohei YOSHIDA <syohex@gmail.com> # COPYRIGHT Copyright 2011- Syohei YOSHIDA # LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # SEE ALSO Some idea are taken from python-aalib. [http://aa-project.sourceforge.net/aalib/](http://aa-project.sourceforge.net/aalib/) [http://jwilk.net/software/python-aalib](http://jwilk.net/software/python-aalib)