Dancer::Template::Caribou - Template::Caribou wrapper for Dancer


version 1.0.1


# in 'config.yml'
template: Caribou

    namespace:               MyApp::View
    layout_namespace:        MyApp::View::Layout
    default_template:        inner_page
    default_layout_template: page

# and then in the application
get '/' => sub { 

    template 'main' => \%options;


`Dancer::Template::Caribou` is an interface for the [Template::Caribou](https://metacpan.org/pod/Template::Caribou)
template system. Be forewarned, both this module and `Template::Caribou`
itself are alpha-quality software and are still subject to any changes. 
**Caveat Maxima Emptor**.

## Basic Usage

At the base, if you do

get '/' => sub {

    return template 'MyView', \%options;

the template name (here _MyView_) will be concatenated with the 
configured view namespace (which defaults to _Dancer::View_)
to generate the Caribou class name. A Caribou object is created
using `%options` as its arguments, and its default template (defaulting to `page`) 
is then
rendered. In other words, the last line of the code above becomes 
equivalent to 

return Dancer::View::MyView->new( %options )->page;

### Layouts as roles

Layouts, just like templates, are package names. They are expected to be
roles that will be composed with the template class.


- default\_template

    The name of the entry template to use. In other words, with the configuration
    given in the SYNOPSIS, the dancer code

    return template 'MyThing';

    is equivalent to

    return MyApp::View::MyThing->page;

    Defaults to `page`.

- default\_layout\_template

    Entry template to use when a layout is provided. Defaults to `page`.

- namespace 

    The namespace under which the Caribou template classes are.
    defaults to `Dancer::View`.

    Template names can be prefixed with a plus sign if you want it to be used as an absolute namespace.

    template 'Relative::View';       # -> Dancer::View::Relative::View
    template '+My::Absolute::View';  # -> My::Absolute::View

- layout\_namespace 

    The namespace under which the Caribou layout roles are.
    defaults to the `::Layout` sub-namespace under the template

    Like template names, layout names can be prefixed with a plus sign for
    absolute namespaces;

    set layout => 'My::Relative';  # -> Dancer::View::Layour::My::Relative
    set layout => '+My::Absolute'; # -> My::Absolute


Yanick Champoux <yanick@babyl.dyndns.org> [![endorse](http://api.coderwall.com/yanick/endorsecount.png)](http://coderwall.com/yanick)


This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Yanick Champoux.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.