# NAME DBIx::Fixture::Admin - facilitate data management by the fixtures # SYNOPSIS # in perl code use DBIx::Fixture::Admin; use DBI; my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:sample", "root", ""); my $admin = DBIx::Fixture::Admin->new( conf => +{ fixture_path => "./fixture/", fixture_type => "yaml", driver => "mysql", load_opt => "update", ignore_tables => ["user_.*", ".*_log"] # ignore management }, dbh => $dbh, ); $admin->load_all(); # load all fixture $admin->create_all(); # create all fixture $admin->create(["sample"]); # create sample table fixture $admin->load(["sample"]); # load sample table fixture # in CLI # use config file .fixture in current dir # see also .fixture in thish repository create-fixture # execute create_all load-fixture # execute load_all # DESCRIPTION DBIx::Fixture::Admin is facilitate data management by the fixtures # LICENSE Copyright (C) meru\_akimbo. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR meru\_akimbo <merukatoruayu0@gmail.com>