
This is the Tie::TextDir module.  It is a TIEHASH interface which lets you
tie a Perl hash to a directory of textfiles:

 use Tie::TextDir;
 tie (%hash, 'Tie::TextDir', '/some_directory', 'rw');  # Open in read/write mode
 $hash{'one'} = "some text";         # Creates file /some_directory/one
                                     # with contents "some text"
 untie %hash;

 tie (%hash, 'Tie::TextDir', '/etc');    # Defaults to read-only mode
 print $hash{'passwd'};  # Prints contents of /etc/passwd

For more specific information, please see the documentation inside
TextDir.pm, by doing "pod2txt TextDir.pm", or "perldoc Tie::TextDir" once
you've installed the module.

To install the module, do the usual:

   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install

-Ken Williams