# NAME Archive::BagIt - The main module to handle bags. # VERSION version 0.075 # NAME Achive::BagIt - The main module to handle Bags # SOURCE The original development version was on github at [http://github.com/rjeschmi/Archive-BagIt](http://github.com/rjeschmi/Archive-BagIt) and may be cloned from there. The actual development version is available at [https://art1pirat.spdns.org/art1/Archive-BagIt](https://art1pirat.spdns.org/art1/Archive-BagIt) # Conformance to RFC8493 The module should fulfill the RFC requirements, with following limitations: - only encoding UTF-8 is supported - version 0.97 or 1.0 allowed - version 0.97 requires tag-/manifest-files with md5-fixity - version 1.0 requires tag-/manifest-files with sha512-fixity - BOM is not supported - Carriage Return in bagit-files are not allowed - fetch.txt is unsupported At the moment only filepaths in linux-style are supported. To get an more detailled overview, see the testsuite under `t/verify_bag.t` and corresponding test bags from the BagIt conformance testsuite of Library of Congress under `bagit_conformance_suite/`. See [https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/rfc8493/?include\_text=1](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/rfc8493/?include_text=1) for details. # TODO - enhanced testsuite - reduce complexity - use modern perl code - add flag to enable very strict verify # FAQ ## How to access the manifest-entries directly? Try this: foreach my $algorithm ( keys %{ $self->manifests }) { my $entries_ref = $self->manifests->{$algorithm}->manifest_entries(); # $entries_ref returns a hashref of form: # $entries_ref->{$algorithm}->{$file} = $digest; } Similar for tagmanifests ## How fast is `Archive::BagIt::Fast`? It depends. On my system with SSD and a 38MB bag with 48 payload files the results for `verify_bag()` are: Rate Base Fast Base 102% -- -10% Fast 125% 11% -- On network filesystem (CIFS, 1Gb) with same Bag: Rate Fast Base Fast 2.20/s -- -11% Base 2.48/s 13% -- But you should measure which variant is best for you. In general the default `Archive::BagIt` is fast enough. ## How to update an old bag of version v0.97 to v1.0? You could try this: use Archive::BagIt; my $bag=Archive::BagIt->new( $my_old_bag_filepath ); $bag->load(); $bag->store(); ## How to create UTF-8 based paths under MS Windows? For versions < Windows10: I have no idea and suggestions for a portable solution are very welcome! For Windows 10: Thanks to [https://superuser.com/questions/1033088/is-it-possible-to-set-locale-of-a-windows-application-to-utf-8/1451686#1451686](https://superuser.com/questions/1033088/is-it-possible-to-set-locale-of-a-windows-application-to-utf-8/1451686#1451686) you have to enable UTF-8 support via 'System Administration' -> 'Region' -> 'Administrative' \-> 'Region Settings' -> Flag 'Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support' Hint: The better way is to use only portable filenames. See [perlport](https://metacpan.org/pod/perlport) for details. # SYNOPSIS This modules will hopefully help with the basic commands needed to create and verify a bag. This part supports BagIt 1.0 according to RFC 8493 (\[https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8493\](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8493)). You only need to know the following methods first: ## read a BagIt use Archive::BagIt; #read in an existing bag: my $bag_dir = "/path/to/bag"; my $bag = Archive::BagIt->new($bag_dir); ## construct a BagIt around a payload use Archive::BagIt; my $bag2 = Archive::BagIt->make_bag($bag_dir); ## verify a BagIt-dir use Archive::BagIt; # Validate a BagIt archive against its manifest my $bag3 = Archive::BagIt->new($bag_dir); my $is_valid1 = $bag3->verify_bag(); # Validate a BagIt archive against its manifest, report all errors my $bag4 = Archive::BagIt->new($bag_dir); my $is_valid2 = $bag4->verify_bag( {report_all_errors => 1} ); ## read a BagIt-dir, change something, store Because all methods operate lazy, you should ensure to parse parts of the bag \*BEFORE\* you modify it. Otherwise it will be overwritten! use Archive::BagIt; my $bag5 = Archive::BagIt->new($bag_dir); # lazy, nothing happened $bag5->load(); # this updates the object representation by parsing the given $bag_dir $bag5->store(); # this writes the bag new # METHODS ## Constructor The constructor sub, will create a bag with a single argument, use Archive::BagIt; #read in an existing bag: my $bag_dir = "/path/to/bag"; my $bag = Archive::BagIt->new($bag_dir); or use hashreferences use Archive::BagIt; #read in an existing bag: my $bag_dir = "/path/to/bag"; my $bag = Archive::BagIt->new( bag_path => $bag_dir, ); The arguments are: - `bag_path` - path to bag-directory - `force_utf8` - if set the warnings about non portable filenames are disabled (default: enabled) The bag object will use $bag\_dir, BUT an existing $bag\_dir is not read. If you use `store()` an existing bag will be overwritten! See `load()` if you want to parse/modify an existing bag. ## has\_force\_utf8() to check if force\_utf8() was set. If set it ignores warnings about potential filepath problems. ## bag\_path(\[$new\_value\]) Getter/setter for bag path ## metadata\_path() Getter for metadata path ## payload\_path() Getter for payload path ## checksum\_algos() Getter for registered Checksums ## bag\_version() Getter for bag version ## bag\_encoding() Getter for bag encoding. HINT: the current version of Archive::BagIt only supports UTF-8, but the method could return other values depending on given Bags. ## bag\_info(\[$new\_value\]) Getter/Setter for bag info. Expects/returns an array of HashRefs implementing simple key-value pairs. HINT: RFC8493 does not allow \*reordering\* of entries! ## has\_bag\_info() returns true if bag info exists. ## errors() Getter to return collected errors after a `verify_bag()` call with Option `report_all_errors` ## warnings() Getter to return collected warnings after a `verify_bag()` call ## digest\_callback() This method could be reimplemented by derived classes to handle fixity checks in own way. The getter returns an anonymous function with following interface: my $digest = $self->digest_callback; &$digest( $digestobject, $filename); This anonymous function MUST use the `get_hash_string()` function of the `Archive::BagIt::Role::Algorithm` role, which is implemented by each `Archive::BagIt::Plugin::Algorithm::XXXX` module. See `Archive::BagIt::Fast` for details. ## get\_baginfo\_values\_by\_key($searchkey) Returns all values which match $searchkey, undef otherwise ## is\_baginfo\_key\_reserved\_as\_uniq($searchkey) returns true if key is reserved and should be uniq ## is\_baginfo\_key\_reserved( $searchkey ) returns true if key is reserved ## verify\_baginfo() checks baginfo-keys, returns true if all fine, otherwise returns undef and the message is pushed to `errors()`. Warnings pushed to ` warnings() ` ## delete\_baginfo\_by\_key( $searchkey ) deletes an entry of given $searchkey if exists ## exists\_baginfo\_key( $searchkey ) returns true if a given $searchkey exists ## append\_baginfo\_by\_key($searchkey, $newvalue) Appends a key value pair to bag\_info. HINT: check return code if append was successful, because some keys needs to be uniq. ## add\_or\_replace\_baginfo\_by\_key($searchkey, $newvalue) It replaces the first entry with $newvalue if $searchkey exists, otherwise it appends. ## forced\_fixity\_algorithm() Getter to return the forced fixity algorithm depending on BagIt version ## manifest\_files() Getter to find all manifest-files ## tagmanifest\_files() Getter to find all tagmanifest-files ## payload\_files() Getter to find all payload-files ## non\_payload\_files() Getter to find all non payload-files ## plugins() Getter/setter to algorithm plugins ## manifests() Getter/Setter to all manifests (objects) ## algos() Getter/Setter to all registered Algorithms ## load\_plugins As default SHA512 and MD5 will be loaded and therefore used. If you want to create a bag only with one or a specific checksum-algorithm, you could use this method to (re-)register it. It expects list of strings with namespace of type: Archive::BagIt::Plugin::Algorithm::XXX where XXX is your chosen fixity algorithm. ## load() Triggers loading of an existing bag ## verify\_bag($opts) A method to verify a bag deeply. If `$opts` is set with `{return_all_errors}` all fixity errors are reported. The default ist to croak with error message if any error is detected. HINT: You might also want to check Archive::BagIt::Fast to see a more direct way of accessing files (and thus faster). ## calc\_payload\_oxum() returns an array with octets and streamcount of payload-dir ## calc\_bagsize() returns a string with human readable size of paylod ## create\_bagit() creates a bagit.txt file ## create\_baginfo() creates a bag-info.txt file Hint: the entries 'Bagging-Date', 'Bag-Software-Agent', 'Payload-Oxum' and 'Bag-Size' will be automagically set, existing values in internal bag-info representation will be overwritten! ## store() store a bagit-obj if bagit directory-structure was already constructed. ## init\_metadata() A constructor that will just create the metadata directory This won't make a bag, but it will create the conditions to do that eventually ## make\_bag( $bag\_path ) A constructor that will make and return a bag from a directory, It expects a preliminary bagit-dir exists. If there a data directory exists, assume it is already a bag (no checking for invalid files in root) # AVAILABILITY The latest version of this module is available from the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN). Visit [http://www.perl.com/CPAN/](http://www.perl.com/CPAN/) to find a CPAN site near you, or see [https://metacpan.org/module/Archive::BagIt/](https://metacpan.org/module/Archive::BagIt/). # BUGS AND LIMITATIONS You can make new bug reports, and view existing ones, through the web interface at [http://rt.cpan.org](http://rt.cpan.org). # AUTHOR Rob Schmidt <rjeschmi@gmail.com> # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2021 by Rob Schmidt and William Wueppelmann and Andreas Romeyke. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.