NAME wd-print - Script to manipulate with SYNOPSIS wd-print [-h] [-l lang] [-m mediawiki_site] [-r] [--version] wd_id ARGUMENTS * "-h" Print help. * "-l lang" Language used defined by ISO 639‑1 Code. Default value is en = English. * "-m mediawiki_site" MediaWiki site. Default value is ''. * "-r" Print with references. * "--version" Print version of script. * "wd_id" Identifier in Wikidata (qid or pid or lid). EXAMPLE wd-print -l en Q42 # Output like: # Label: Douglas Adams (en) # Description: English author and humourist (1952–2001) (en) # Aliases: # Douglas Noël Adams (en) # DNA (en) # Sitelinks: # ডগলাস অ্যাডামস (bnwiki) # Дуглас Адамс (ukwikiquote) # Douglas Adams (trwiki) # 道格拉斯·亚当斯 (wuuwiki) # Douglas Adams (dewikiquote) # Douglas Adams (frwikiquote) # Douglas Adams (nnwiki) # ਡਗਲਸ ਐਡਮਸ (pawiki) # ڈگلس ایڈمس (pnbwiki) # Douglas Adams (zh_min_nanwiki) # დაგლას ადამსი (kawiki) # Douglas Adams (cawiki) # Duqlas Adams (azwiki) # Douglas Adams (simplewiki) # Ντάγκλας Άνταμς (elwiki) # Douglas Adams (igwikiquote) # Douglas Adams (bswikiquote) # Douglas Adams (svwiki) # Дъглас Адамс (bgwiki) # Douglas Adams (fiwiki) # Douglas Adams (iswiki) # دوجلاس ادامز (arzwiki) # Douglas Adams (skwiki) # Даглас Адамс (srwiki) # Douglas Adams (fywiki) # Douglas Adams (jvwiki) # Adams Duglas (vepwiki) # Douglas Adams (astwiki) # Douglas Adams (shwiki) # Duglassius Adams (lawiki) # Douglas Adams (glwiki) # Douglas Adams (nowiki) # Douglas Adams (itwiki) # Douglas Adams (plwikiquote) # دوغلاس آدمز (arwiki) # Douglas Adams (sqwiki) # Douglas Adams (kwwiki) # דאגלס אדמס (hewikiquote) # Douglas Adams (afwiki) # Douglas Adams (ptwiki) # Douglas Adams (nlwiki) # Douglas Adams (eswikiquote) # Douglas Adams (idwikiquote) # Douglas Adams (slwiki) # Дуглас Ноэль Адамс (ruwikiquote) # Douglas Adams (enwiki) # داگلاس آدامز (fawiki) # Դուգլաս Ադամս (hywikiquote) # Douglas Adams (cswiki) # Douglas Adams (eowiki) # Douglas Adams (iewiki) # 道格拉斯·亚当斯 (zhwiki) # Douglas Adams (barwiki) # 道格拉斯亞當斯 (zh_yuewiki) # Douglas Adams (warwiki) # Douglas Adams (etwikiquote) # Douglas Adams (iawiki) # Douglas Adams (mswiki) # Дуглас Адамз (be_x_oldwiki) # Douglas Adams (hrwiki) # Douglas Adams (lfnwiki) # Douglas Adams (ltwiki) # Дуглас Адамс (kywiki) # Douglas Adams (huwiki) # Douglas Adams (euwiki) # Douglas Adams (cywiki) # Douglas Adams (glwikiquote) # Douglas Adams (itwikiquote) # Douglas Adams (plwiki) # دوجلاس آدامز (arwikiquote) # Douglas Adams (iowiki) # דאגלס אדמס (hewiki) # ഡഗ്ലസ് ആഡംസ് (mlwiki) # Douglas Adams (skwikiquote) # Даглас Адамс (srwikiquote) # Douglas Adams (scowiki) # Ντάγκλας Άνταμς (elwikiquote) # Douglas Adams (dawiki) # Douglas Adams (bswiki) # Douglas Adams (svwikiquote) # Адамс, Дуглас (mrjwiki) # Douglas Adams (fiwikiquote) # Дъглас Адамс (bgwikiquote) # ডগলাস অ্যাডামস (bnwikiquote) # ڈگلس ایڈمس (urwiki) # Дуглас Адамс (ukwiki) # Douglas Adams (trwikiquote) # Douglas Adams (dewiki) # Douglas Adams (frwiki) # Douglas Adams (gawiki) # Duqlas Noel Adams (azwikiquote) # Douglas Adams (ocwiki) # Douglas Adams (simplewikiquote) # Douglas Adams (liwikiquote) # Douglas Adamsas (ltwikiquote) # داقلاس آدامز (azbwiki) # Дуглас Адамс (bawiki) # Douglas Adams (mgwiki) # Douglas Adams (huwikiquote) # Douglas Adams (cswikiquote) # Douglas Adams (guwwikiquote) # 道格拉斯·亞當斯 (zhwikiquote) # Douglas Adams (eowikiquote) # Douglas Adams (viwiki) # Douglas Adams (etwiki) # Дуглас Адамс (bewiki) # Douglas Adams (rowiki) # Duglass Adamss (lvwiki) # Douglas Adams (enwikiquote) # داگلاس آدامز (fawikiquote) # டக்ளஸ் ஆடம்ஸ் (tawiki) # Դուգլաս Ադամս (hywiki) # Douglas Adams (ptwikiquote) # Douglas Adams (scwiki) # Douglas Adams (eswiki) # Даглас Адамс (mkwiki) # Douglas Adams (nlwikiquote) # डग्लस अॅडम्स (mrwiki) # Douglas Adams (idwiki) # 더글러스 애덤스 (kowiki) # ダグラス・アダムズ (jawiki) # Адамс, Дуглас (ruwiki) # Statements: # P10266: 97049 (normal) # P1315: 847711 (normal) # P2581: 03688580n (normal) # P2963: 4 (normal) # P585: 28 September 2020 (Q1985727) # P1810: Douglas Adams # P3744: 19460 # P9196: douglas-adams (normal) # P1890: 000750942 (normal) # P3192: Douglas+Adams (normal) # P10302: douglas-adams (normal) # P1712: person/douglas-adams (normal) # P7084: Q8722666 (normal) # P4224: Q109122021 # P4789: U4994 (normal) # P8408: DouglasAdams (normal) # P7071: douglas-adams (normal) # P7775: Douglas_Adams (normal) # P1266: 97049 (normal) # P5247: 3040-1126 (normal) # P26: Q14623681 (normal) # P580: 25 November 1991 (Q1985727) # P582: 11 May 2001 (Q1985727) # P1534: Q99521170 # P1424: Q22898962 (normal) # P910: Q8935487 (normal) # P6173: 3352 (normal) # P6464: 898203 (normal) # P7303: douglas-adams/214 (normal) # P7803: 40761 (normal) # P3373: Q14623673 (normal) # P1039: Q10943095 # P8313: Douglas_Adams (normal) # P2191: 10014 (normal) # P349: 00430962 (normal) # P214: 113230702 (normal) # P4204: Douglas-Adams (normal) # P800: Q25169 (normal) # P800: Q20736364 (normal) # P800: Q7758404 (normal) # P6394: a1112474x (normal) # P8851: 26792807 (normal) # P3305: 199918 (normal) # P463: Q857679 (normal) # P463: Q5610831 (normal) # P866: douglas-adams (normal) # P136: Q24925 (normal) # P136: Q40831 (normal) # P136: Q128758 (normal) # P6327: 55720 (normal) # P7154: adams+douglas (normal) # P7293: 9810669145205606 (normal) # P5034: KAC200300379 (normal) # P9171: 95368 (normal) # P11194: people/douglas-adams (normal) # P2607: 307812da-da11-4ee5-a906-31e5ce9694bb (normal) # P5008: Q6173448 (normal) # P585: 31 October 2022 (Q1985727) # P10291: 82260 (normal) # P10832: E39PBJxhkQGbbdgtx94vJRmrv3 (normal) # P1149: PR6051.D3352 (normal) # P2889: 9XLD-SZS (normal) # P4359: douglasadams (normal) # P2087: douglas-adams (normal) # P6886: Q1860 (normal) # P2949: Adams-32825 (normal) # P1810: Douglas Noel Adams (11 Mar 1952 - 11 May 2001) # P6620: douglas-adams (normal) # P396: RAVV034417 (normal) # P1810: Adams, Douglas <1952-2001> # P10387: 75 (normal) # P7284: douglas-adams (normal) # P1263: 731/000023662 (normal) # P5404: douglas_adams (normal) # P109: Douglas Adams signature.svg (normal) # P2096: Douglas Adams'ın imzası (tr) # P648: OL272947A (normal) # P5284: 1032346 (normal) # P4839: Entity["Person", "DouglasAdams::gh8qf"] (normal) # P7214: 753186 (normal) # P2188: 45993 (normal) # P7859: lccn-n80076765 (normal) # P7215: 46398 (normal) # P2021: 10 (deprecated) # P3680: unknown value # P585: 13 April 2017 (Q1985727) # P2638: people/douglas-adams (normal) # P119: Q533697 (normal) # P625: (51.5665277777778, -0.145444444444444) # P8179: ncf10168152 (normal) # P20: Q159288 (normal) # P2604: 246164 (normal) # P9743: 107a9B0DKL (normal) # P1006: 068744307 (normal) # P1810: Adams, Douglas (1952-2001) # P1006: 339433876 (normal) # P1810: Adams, Douglas (1952-2001) # P19: Q350 (normal) # P2850: 2080713 (normal) # P7369: 000263040 (normal) # P4438: 4ce2ba117755a (normal) # P5361: AdamsDouglas1952-2001 (normal) # P6262: hitchhikers:Douglas_Adams (normal) # P407: Q1860 # P1810: Douglas Adams # P9675: 1668 # P6262: tardis:Douglas_Adams (normal) # P407: Q1860 # P1810: Douglas Adams # P9675: 8825 # P6262: ru.tardis:Дуглас_Адамс (normal) # P407: Q7737 # P1810: Дуглас Адамс # P9675: 28118 # P6262: montypython:Douglas_Adams (normal) # P407: Q1860 # P1810: Douglas Adams # P9675: 1927 # P6262: dirkgently:Douglas_Adams (normal) # P407: Q1860 # P1810: Douglas Adams # P9675: 2133 # P6262: disney:Douglas_Adams (normal) # P407: Q1860 # P1810: Douglas Adams # P9675: 161805 # P6262: muppet:Douglas_Adams (normal) # P407: Q1860 # P1810: Douglas Adams # P9675: 15796 # P6262: getfuzzy:Douglas_Adams (normal) # P407: Q1860 # P1810: Douglas Adams # P9675: 2050 # P6262: readyplayerone:Douglas_Adams (normal) # P407: Q1860 # P1810: Douglas Adams # P9675: 2244 # P2722: 4468812 (normal) # P1810: Douglas Adams # P3744: 60 # P9247: 641594 (normal) # P6874: Douglas-Adams (normal) # P2605: 39534 (normal) # P1368: 000057405 (normal) # P11249: 14651562 (normal) # P3430: w65h7md1 (normal) # P3388: 168761 (normal) # P1233: 122 (normal) # P11686: 981058527710806706 (normal) # P21: Q6581097 (normal) # P9995: 157777 (normal) # P5408: a/douglas-adams (normal) # P937: Q84 (normal) # P373: Douglas Adams (normal) # P7763: Q73555012 (normal) # P8849: 6391909 (normal) # P268: 11888092r (normal) # P3845: 665243 (normal) # P4657: 432740401 (normal) # P11345: douglas-adams-vzq5h5r3 (normal) # P1810: Douglas Adams # P7700: vtls005710289 (normal) # P213: 0000 0000 8045 6315 (normal) # P7506: 2078791 (normal) # P4193: Douglas_Noel_Adams_(1952-2001) (normal) # P2048: +1.96 (Q11573) (normal) # P22: Q14623675 (normal) # P2435: 208947 (normal) # P7699: LNB:Mr+;=Bf (normal) # P3368: 215957 (normal) # P3222: douglas-adams (normal) # P1477: Douglas Noël Adams (en) (normal) # P3136: 2000059 (normal) # P7029: 770139179 (normal) # P1810: Адамс, Дуглас (1952-2001) # P407: Q7737 # P7029: 770139180 (normal) # P1810: Adams, Douglas (1952-2001) # P407: Q1860 # P3106: books/douglasadams (normal) # P3984: douglasadams (normal) # P1810: Douglas Adams: From Hitchhikers to Holistic Detectives # P407: Q1860 # P580: 6 February 2011 (Q1985727) # P1280: 6050147 (normal) # P3630: 2627 (normal) # P6972: douglas-adams (normal) # P5340: 278771 (normal) # P1695: a0000001157306 (normal) # P3348: 202604 (normal) # P7300: 59932 (normal) # P8895: Douglas_Adams (normal) # P8287: 1430 (normal) # P646: /m/0282x (normal) # P3762: 140290 (normal) # P40: Q14623683 (normal) # P1411: Q3414212 (normal) # P1686: Q3521267 # P585: 1979 (Q1985727) # P1411: Q2576795 (normal) # P585: 1983 (Q1985727) # P1686: Q721 # P10069: 61960 (normal) # P906: 230807 (normal) # P18: Douglas adams portrait cropped.jpg (normal) # P2096: Porträtt av Douglas Adams. (sv) # P2096: Douglas Adams portresi (tr) # P2096: Douglas Adams ååʹbleǩkartt (sms) # P2096: Douglas Adamsin muotokuva (fi) # P2096: Portrait of Douglas Adams (en) # P2096: פורטרט של דאגלס אדמס (he) # P2096: Portrait von Douglas Adams (de) # P2096: Portret Douglasa Adamsa (pl) # P2096: Potret Douglas Adams (ms) # P2096: ڤوتريت دݢلس ايدمﺯ (ms-arab) # P2096: Chân dung Douglas Adams (vi) # P2096: Portrait de Douglas Adams (fr) # P2096: Portrett av Douglas Adams (nb) # P2096: پرتره از داگلاس آدامز (fa) # P2096: Portret Douglasa Adamsa (sh) # P2096: డగ్లస్ ఆడమ్స్ ఫొటో (te) # P2626: 159696 (normal) # P2168: 271209 (normal) # P6839: Creator/DouglasAdams (normal) # P3365: douglas-noel-adams (normal) # P1810: Adams, Douglas Noël # P244: n80076765 (normal) # P1810: Adams, Douglas, 1952-2001 # P4970: אדאמס, דאגלאס, 1952-2001- # P4970: 亞當斯, 1952-2001 # P6351: 41236 (normal) # P5357: adams_douglas (normal) # P4198: Acv2pnc5mj2oxjxych7atdfljky (normal) # P3417: Douglas-Adams-4 (normal) # P269: 026677636 (normal) # P1617: aa075cb6-75bf-46d8-b0bf-9751d6c04c93 (normal) # P4619: 000592321 (normal) # P7745: 183956 (normal) # P947: 000002833 (normal) # P535: 22814 (normal) # P1953: 134923 (normal) # P11496: 1140563741729620096 (normal) # P9965: 40231 (normal) # P485: Q67074906 (normal) # P973: # P856: (normal) # P407: Q1860 # P434: e9ed318d-8cc5-4cf8-ab77-505e39ab6ea4 (normal) # P6298: 16115 (normal) # P2387: 1289170 (normal) # P551: Q159288 (normal) # P582: 11 May 2001 (Q1985727) # P551: Q84 (preferred) # P551: Q909993 (preferred) # P580: 1957 (Q1985727) # P8385: 23691 (normal) # P8125: 3339 (normal) # P106: Q214917 (normal) # P106: Q28389 (normal) # P106: Q6625963 (normal) # P580: 1979 (Q1985727) # P106: Q4853732 (normal) # P106: Q18844224 (normal) # P106: Q245068 (normal) # P106: Q36180 (normal) # P106: Q639669 (normal) # P6329: 860573 (normal) # P6329: 9160480 (normal) # P9251: 80743 (normal) # P2163: 56544 (normal) # P1810: Adams, Douglas, 1952-2001 # P2163: 1775523 (normal) # P1810: Adams, Douglas # P3204: 231695 (normal) # P140: Q7066 (normal) # P1442: Douglas Adams' gravestone.jpg (normal) # P585: 24 October 2008 (Q1985727) # P2096: Douglas Adams' gravestone (en) # P2096: Grabstein von Douglas Adams (de) # P2096: Douglas Adams'ın mezar taşı (tr) # P2096: Batu nisan Douglas Adams (ms) # P2096: باتو نيسن دݢلس ايدمﺯ (ms-arab) # P2096: náhrobek Douglase Adamse (cs) # P2096: 道格拉斯·亞當斯的墓碑 (zh-hant) # P2096: 道格拉斯·亚当斯的墓碑 (zh-hans) # P1005: 68537 (normal) # P569: 11 March 1952 (Q1985727) (normal) # P1580: a1221374 (normal) # P108: Q9531 (normal) # P108: Q3520623 (normal) # P580: 1996 (Q1985727) # P25: Q14623678 (normal) # P227: 119033364 (normal) # P1889: Q21454969 (normal) # P6517: Douglas-Adams (normal) # P9807: 153440 (normal) # P9807: 172463 (normal) # P1343: Q67311526 (normal) # P2699: # P2734: AdamsDouglas (normal) # P1273: a10667040 (normal) # P3846: 87097968038642 (normal) # P1670: 0052C2705 (normal) # P11182: 124007 (normal) # P9307: Douglas_Adams (normal) # P7400: adamsdouglas-1 (normal) # P11683: duglas-adams (normal) # P10553: 079822096 (normal) # P1417: biography/Douglas-Adams (normal) # P1810: Douglas Adams # P742: David Agnew (normal) # P805: Q11036149 # P1015: 90196888 (normal) # P9984: 981058527710806706 (normal) # P2373: Douglas-adams (normal) # P7502: Douglas_Adams-YNBW (normal) # P5905: 4040-45935 (normal) # P5570: 143 (normal) # P172: Q7994501 (normal) # P4326: 215853 (normal) # P2600: 6000000050650155828 (normal) # P7661: 74033 (normal) # P5297: x2e9kt_zKEDI0dPr3sAfM_jyUhA (normal) # P1810: Douglas Noel ADAMS # P3341: 21019 (normal) # P949: 000163846 (normal) # P1728: mn0000803382 (normal) # P4782: 26898 (normal) # P3142: n0008574 (normal) # P166: Q2687578 (normal) # P585: 1983 (Q1985727) # P166: Q906455 (normal) # P7433: 25 (normal) # P3065: 02-A002907983 (normal) # P1207: n94004172 (normal) # P1816: mp60152 (normal) # P1412: Q1860 (normal) # P1340: Q17122705 (normal) # P5695: 8052 (normal) # P1258: celebrity/douglas_adams (normal) # P691: jn19990000029 (normal) # P1810: Adams, Douglas # P1559: Douglas Adams (en) (normal) # P9918: PE00105434 (normal) # P2611: douglas_adams (normal) # P6868: 1402475181 (normal) # P11158: 23914 (normal) # P1828: 00218511589 (normal) # P1810: ADAMS DOUGLAS # P5019: adams-douglas-noel (normal) # P998: Arts/Literature/Authors/A/Adams,_Douglas/ (preferred) # P407: Q1860 # P998: World/Dansk/Kultur/Litteratur/Forfattere/A/Adams,_Douglas/ (normal) # P407: Q9035 # P998: World/Français/Arts/Littérature/Genres/Science-fiction_et_fantastique/Auteurs/Adams,_Douglas/ (normal) # P407: Q150 # P998: World/Deutsch/Kultur/Literatur/Autoren_und_Autorinnen/A/Adams,_Douglas/ (normal) # P407: Q188 # P998: World/Italiano/Arte/Letteratura/Autori/A/Adams,_Douglas/ (normal) # P407: Q652 # P998: World/Svenska/Kultur/Litteratur/Genre/Science_fiction_och_fantasy/Författare/Adams,_Douglas/ (normal) # P407: Q9027 # P345: nm0010930 (normal) # P1303: Q6607 (normal) # P2469: 238p (normal) # P7902: 119033364 (normal) # P3154: adamsdou (normal) # P5882: M00000364497 (normal) # P9802: 114 (normal) # P10337: A/adams-douglas (normal) # P1415: 75853 (normal) # P5534: 52843 (normal) # P4666: 23878 (normal) # P101: Q3238422 (normal) # P5033: 160192 (normal) # P1375: 000010283 (normal) # P69: Q4961791 (normal) # P582: 1970 (Q1985727) # P580: 1959 (Q1985727) # P69: Q691283 (normal) # P582: 1974 (Q1985727) # P812: Q186579 # P512: Q1765120 # P580: 1971 (Q1985727) # P3145: nm96558 (normal) # P4785: 47671 (normal) # P11180: 9861 (normal) # P11120: douglas-adams (normal) # P7195: 201077 (normal) # P271: DA07517784 (normal) # P5233: a38 (normal) # P3913: 337 (normal) # P4985: 52843 (normal) # P9100: douglas-adams (normal) # P4431: douglas-adams-61st-birthday (normal) # P585: 11 March 2013 (Q1985727) # P1196: Q3739104 (normal) # P8292: 236432 (normal) # P3479: 39a33dc4-5a81-4d67-91d6-1daecdb854e3 (normal) # P4862: B000AQ2A84 (normal) # P950: XX1149955 (normal) # P570: 11 May 2001 (Q1985727) (normal) # P5587: 1zcfh30k0gr4zxt (normal) # P6119: douglas-adams (normal) # P2019: p279442 (normal) # P31: Q5 (normal) # P5365: 42 (normal) # P8189: 987007305652505171 (normal) # P103: Q1860 (normal) # P27: Q145 (normal) # P7704: agent/base/59925 (normal) # P409: 35163268 (normal) # P4342: Douglas_Adams (normal) # P1813: Douglas Adams (en) (normal) # P734: Q351735 (normal) # P5337: CAAqJQgKIh9DQkFTRVFvSUwyMHZNREk0TW5nU0JXVnVMVWRDS0FBUAE (normal) # P735: Q463035 (normal) # P1545: 1 # P3831: Q3409033 # P735: Q19688263 (normal) # P1545: 2 # P509: Q12152 (normal) # P1284: 00000020676 (normal) # P4768: 212786 (normal) REPOSITORY <> AUTHOR Michal Josef Špaček <> <> LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT © 2021-2024 Michal Josef Špaček BSD 2-Clause License VERSION 0.04