Acme::Umlautify - �dd �ml��ts t� �v�r�th�ng! - v1.00


    Acme::Umlautify �ff�rs b�th �n �bj�ct �nd �xp�rt�d m�th�d �nt�rf�c� t�
    tr�nsf�rm str�ngs �f t�xt �nt� z�n �f �xc�ss�v� �ml�t��g�.


T� �nst�ll th�s m�d�l� t�p� th� f�ll�w�ng:

   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install


    �xp�rt�d M�th�d �s�g�:

      use Acme::Umlautify 'umlautify';

      print umlautify('Yea verily umlauts doth rock, dude.');

    �bj�ct �r��nt�d �s�g�:

      use Acme::Umlautify;

      my $au = new Acme::Umlautify;

      print $au->do('"Motley Crue" could have had way more umlauts, dude.');

    �n ��th�r c�s�, g�v�n �n �rr�� �f �np�t str�ngs, � c�rr�sp�nd�ng �rr��
    �s r�t�rn�d l��k�ng f�r c��l�r. �n � sc�l� �f �n� t� t�n �t's �n �L�V�N.


    Ch�r�ct�rs �r� s�mpl� m�pp�d t� th� c�rr�sp�nd�ng chr() c�d�s:

      � = 196   � = 203   � = 207   � = 214   � = 220   � = 228 
      � = 235   � = 239   � = 246   � = 252   � = 255

    Th�r� �pp��rs t� b� n� c�p�t�l Y w�th �ml��ts.

    �dd�t��n�ll�, th��gh r�q��st�d th�r� �pp��rs t� b� n� N w�th �ml��ts.
    F�ns �f Sp�n�l T�p w�ll j�st h�v� t� �pd�t� th��r t�rm�n�ls w�th �nk.

    R�ck �n!


      Acme::Umlautify v1.01 2004/04/07

      (c) 2004, Phillip Pollard <>
      Released under the m�st �xc�ll�nt Perl Artistic License

      �dd�t��n�l bl�m� (f�r th� �d��) g��s t�:
      Kristina Davis <>
      Chip Salzenberg <>