Test-ModuleReady version 0.0.6 This module was written to help me prepare updates to modules. I have a nasty habit of over-looking tedious things like checking that the version numbers in the README, POD and $VERSION variable in the module file are all equal. Also not only checking that all the files listed in the MANIFEST but more importantly checking that I havenĀ“t left old .svn repositories, .Rhistory files Vim .swp files ect. have all been deleted. This modules is aimed at addressing these and other house-keeping chores just before submitting a new module release. This module: (1) Pulls the version numbers from the README, Module POD and Module $VERSION variable and checks they are all equal. (2) Reads in the MANIFEST contents and checks that there are missing or extra files in the directory - see Below. For missing files it just prints the problem and continues. However, for excess files or directories it asks whether you want to ignore it, append it automatically to the MANIFEST file or delete it. (3) Scans the Module.pm file for use statements and then cross-references these against the dependencies arguments in Makefile.PL and Build.PL making sure you do not forget to include important dependencies. Specifically, for every 'use' statement found it prints whether or not it found the appropriate dependency in the PREREQ_PM or requires hashes for Makefile.PL and Build.PL respectively. (4) Runs POD syntax checking using the Pod::Checker module. (5) Prompts you for words to ignore before running spell-check using Test::Spelling/Test::More modules. (6) Checks the Module.pm syntax using the basic Perl interpreter syntax check. (7) Finally if you're happy with the results it tars the whole thing into a tar file with the full module name appended by the version number from the $VERSION variable. This module does not recurse into the working directory and consequently if you choose to keep an excess directory it will totally ignore everything below. Intead the module takes the MANIFEST file contents and generates a hash of directories as keys and anonymous arrays containing the directory contents as values. It then enters each of those directories and checks the supposed contents against their actual contents thereby detecting missing and excess files/dirs. For example the MANIFEST file: Build.PL Changes MANIFEST Makefile.PL README lib/Statistics/MVA/BayesianLinearDiscrimination.pm t/00.load.t t/pod.t Generates a hash of dirs to contents as (output generated using L<Data::TreeDraw>. HASH REFERENCE (0) | |__'lib/'=>ARRAY REFERENCE (1) [ '->{lib/}' ] | | | |__SCALAR = 'Statistics' (2) [ '->{lib/}[0]' ] | |__'lib/Statistics/'=>ARRAY REFERENCE (1) [ '->{lib/Statistics/}' ] | | | |__SCALAR = 'MVA' (2) [ '->{lib/Statistics/}[0]' ] | |__'./'=>ARRAY REFERENCE (1) [ '->{./}' ] | | | |__SCALAR = 'MANIFEST' (2) [ '->{./}[0]' ] | | | |__SCALAR = 'lib' (2) [ '->{./}[1]' ] | | | |__SCALAR = 'Changes' (2) [ '->{./}[2]' ] | | | |__SCALAR = 'Build.PL' (2) [ '->{./}[3]' ] | | | |__SCALAR = 'Makefile.PL' (2) [ '->{./}[4]' ] | | | |__SCALAR = 'README' (2) [ '->{./}[5]' ] | | | |__SCALAR = 't' (2) [ '->{./}[6]' ] | |__'lib/Statistics/MVA/'=>ARRAY REFERENCE (1) [ '->{lib/Statistics/MVA/}' ] | | | |__SCALAR = 'BayesianLinearDiscrimination.pm' (2) [ '->{lib/Statistics/MVA/}[0]' ] | |__'t/'=>ARRAY REFERENCE (1) [ '->{t/}' ] | |__SCALAR = '00.load.t' (2) [ '->{t/}[0]' ] | |__SCALAR = 'pod.t' (2) [ '->{t/}[1]' ] INSTALLATION To install this module, run the following commands: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install Alternatively, to install with Module::Build, you can use the following commands: perl Build.PL ./Build ./Build test ./Build install DEPENDENCIES 'Carp' => '1.08', 'Pod::Checker' => '1.45', 'Test::More' => '0.94', 'Test::Spelling' => '0.11', COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright (C) 2010, Daniel S. T. Hughes This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.