Pogo - Perl GOODS interface (C)1999 Sey Nakajima <sey@jkc.co.jp> This is a Perl inteface module for GOODS (Generic Object Oriented Database System). GOODS is written by Konstantin Knizhnik <knizhnik@altavista.net>. This is a free software. This module is in 'alpha' phase. All features may be changed. Please send me your bug reports or suggestions. I have developped and tested this on FreeBSD2.2.8, FreeBSD3.4, and Linux MLD4. Please test in another OS and send me your porting informations. ----- Prepare GOODS get goods-x.xx.tar.gz from any one of follows (x.xx is a revision number) http://www.ispras.ru/~knizhnik/goods.html http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Orchard/5802/goods.html http://hp1.jonex.ne.jp/~nakajima.yasushi/ NOTE: goods-2.24.tar.gz has a bug. If it is a latest revision, use 2.23. tar zxvf goods-x.xx.tar.gz cd goods ./config make su make install NOTE: GOODS has some makefiles corresponding to some OS's. Please do './config -h'. ----- Make,test and install Pogo tar zxvf Pogo-x.xx.tar.gz (x.xx is a revision number) cd Pogo-x.xx perl Makefile.PL make ./startgoodsrv test & make test ./cmdgoodsrv test exit su make install NOTE: You must use the Makefile.PL* corresponding to the GOODS makefile you used. Sorry, I do not offer all corresponding Makefile.PL to the GOODS makefiles for now. If you met some errors, please edit Makefile.PL manually considering to the GOODS makefile you used. A GOODS application needs running a server process 'goodsrv' with the corresponding configuration file. Before executing test script, you must run goodsrv with test.cfg. The command line './startgoodsrv test &' does this as background process and './cmdgoodsrv test exit' terminates the goodsrv. ----- Database browser To browse the database of 'test.cfg', type as follows. See 'perldoc Pogo' for detail. ./startgoodsrv test & ./browse test ./cmdgoodsrv test exit ----- Sample script There are some sample scripts in the sample directory. These scripts all use 'sample.cfg'. So do 'startgoodsrv sample &' before executing sample scripts. ----- See also perldoc Pogo