$Id: README,v 1.12 2002/01/14 09:15:49 jmorris Exp $

  Perlipq is a Perl extension to Linux iptables userspace queueing via libipq.
  Packets may be selected from the stack via the iptables QUEUE target
  and passed to userspace.  Perlipq allows these packets to be manipulated in
  Perl and passed back to the stack.
  This is version 1.25, released against iptables 1.2.5 with support for

  * Linux Kernel 2.4/2.5
  * iptables 1.2.5+

  First, ensure you have a 2.4/2.5 kernel installed and running with
  Netfilter, Userspace queuing (experimental) and IP tables support.
  Build and install iptables as per the iptables documentation, then use
  'make install-devel' to install libipq development components under
  Please read the libipq(3) man page for an overview of userspace
  packet queueing.
  Next, generate the perlipq makefile:
  	# perl Makefile.PL
  The script will prompt you to provide the location of iptables so it can
  find the libipq library and headers, which should be under /usr/local as
  mentioned above.

  To build the perl module and extension, type:
	# make

  If you want to run the tests, you'll need to load the necessary iptables
  modules, then install a rule to invoke queuing.
  For example, a test setup used during development is as follows:
	# modprobe iptable_mangle
	# modprobe ip_queue
	# iptables -t mangle -F
	# iptables -t mangle -A OUTPUT -p icmp -j QUEUE
  These iptables commands flush the mangle table and install a rule to send
  any locally generated ICMP packets (e.g. ping) to the ip_queue module for
  userpace queuing.
  To run the tests:

	# make test
  	# make install
  will install perlipq.

  passer.pl  -  Passes all packets back to kernel with NF_ACCEPT verdict.
  passer6.pl -  Same as above, but for the IPv6 queue handler.
  dumper.pl  -  Dumps packet metadata and IP headers.

  Copyright (c) 2000-2002 James Morris <jmorris@intercode.com.au>
  This package is released under the GPL.