NAME schema-data - Script to manipulation with data for Schema. SYNOPSIS schema-data [-h] [-p password] [-u user] [-v schema_version] [--version] dsn schema_data_module ARGUMENTS * "-h" Print help. * "-p password" Database password. * "-u user" Database user. * "-v schema_version" Schema version. Default value is last version. * "--version" Print version of script. * "dsn" Database DSN. e.g. dbi:SQLite:dbname=ex1.db * "schema_data_module" Name of Schema data module. Must be a 'Schema::Data' instance. EXAMPLE schema-deploy Schema::Commons::Vote schema-data Schema::Data::Commons::Vote REPOSITORY <> AUTHOR Michal Josef Špaček <> <> LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT © 2022 Michal Josef Špaček BSD 2-Clause License VERSION 0.01