# Zonemaster Backend [](https://travis-ci.org/zonemaster/zonemaster-backend) ### Purpose This repository is one of the components of the Zonemaster software. For an overview of the Zonemaster software, please see the [Zonemaster repository]. This module is the Backend JSON/RPC weservice for the Web Interface part of the Zonemaster project. It offers a JSON/RPC api to run tests one by one (as the zonemaster-gui web frontend module does, or by using a batch API to run the Zonemaster engine on many domains) A Zonemaster user needs to install the backend only in the case where there is a need of logging the Zonemaster test runs in one's own respective database for analysing. ### Prerequisites Before you install the Zonemaster Backend, you need the Zonemaster Engine installed. Please see the [Zonemaster Engine installation instructions][Zonemaster-Engine installation]. ### Upgrade See the [upgrade document]. ### Installation Follow the detailed [installation instructions]. ### Configuration See the [configuration documentation]. ### Documentation The Zonemaster Backend documentation is split up into several documents: * A number of [Typographic Conventions] are used throughout this documentation. * The [Architecture] document describes each of the Zonemaster Backend components and how they operate. It also discusses all central concepts needed to understand the Zonemaster backend, and contains a glossary over domain specific technical terms. * The [Getting Started] guide walks you through creating a *test* and following it through its life cycle, all using JSON-RPC calls to the *RPC API daemon*. * The [API] documentation describes the *RPC API daemon* inteface in detail. ## License This is free software under a 2-clause BSD license. The full text of the license can be found in the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file included in this respository. [API]: https://github.com/zonemaster/zonemaster/blob/master/docs/public/using/backend/rpcapi-reference.md [Architecture]: docs/Architecture.md [Configuration documentation]: https://github.com/zonemaster/zonemaster/blob/master/docs/public/configuration/backend.md [Getting Started]: https://github.com/zonemaster/zonemaster/blob/master/docs/public/using/backend/getting-started.md [Installation instructions]: https://github.com/zonemaster/zonemaster/blob/master/docs/public/installation/zonemaster-backend.md [Typographic Conventions]: docs/TypographicConventions.md [Upgrade document]: https://github.com/zonemaster/zonemaster/blob/master/docs/public/upgrading/backend.md [Zonemaster-Engine installation]: https://github.com/zonemaster/zonemaster/blob/master/docs/public/installation/zonemaster-engine.md [Zonemaster repository]: https://github.com/zonemaster/zonemaster