App::BPOMUtils::NutritionFacts - Utilities related to BPOM nutrition
This document describes version 0.028 of App::BPOMUtils::NutritionFacts
(from Perl distribution App-BPOMUtils-NutritionFacts), released on
This distribution includes CLI utilities related to BPOM nutrition
* bpom-show-nutrition-facts
* bpom-tampilkan-ing
bpom_show_nutrition_facts(%args) -> [$status_code, $reason, $payload, \%result_meta]
Render BPOM-compliant nutrition fact table (ING - informasi nilai gizi)
in various formats.
* An example, in linear text format (color/emphasis is shown with
carbohydrate => 13.113,
color => "never",
fat => 0.223,
output_format => "raw_linear",
package_size => 20,
protein => 0.99,
saturated_fat => 0.01,
serving_size => 175,
sodium => 0.223,
sugar => 7.173
"*INFORMASI NILAI GIZI* *JUMLAH PER KEMASAN (20 g)* : *Energi total 10 kkal*, Energi dari lemak 0 kkal, Energi dari lemak jenuh 0 kkal, *Lemak total 0 g (0% AKG)*, *Lemak jenuh 0 g (0% AKG)*, *Protein 0 g (0% AKG)*, *Karbohidrat total 3 g (1% AKG)*, *Gula 1 g*, *Garam (Natrium) 0 mg (0% AKG)*. /Persen AKG berdasarkan kebutuhan energi 2150 kkal. Kebutuhan energi Anda mungkin lebih tinggi atau lebih rendah./\n",
"cmdline.skip_format" => 1,
"func.raw" => {
carbohydrate_per_pkg => 2.6226,
carbohydrate_per_pkg_rounded => 3,
energy_from_fat_per_pkg => 3.51225,
energy_from_fat_per_pkg_rounded => 0,
energy_from_saturated_fat_per_pkg => 0.018,
energy_from_saturated_fat_per_pkg_rounded => 0,
per_package_ing => 1,
protein_per_pkg => 0.198,
protein_per_pkg_rounded => 0,
saturated_fat_per_pkg => 0.002,
saturated_fat_per_pkg_rounded => 0,
sodium_per_pkg => 0.0446,
sodium_per_pkg_rounded => 0,
total_energy_pct_dv => 0.543432558139535,
total_energy_pct_dv_rounded => 1,
total_energy_per_pkg => 11.6838,
total_energy_per_pkg_rounded => 10,
total_fat_per_pkg => 0.0446,
total_fat_per_pkg_rounded => 0,
total_sugar_per_pkg => 1.4346,
total_sugar_per_pkg_rounded => 1,
* An example, in raw_linear format (just like linear_text but with no
carbohydrate => 13.113,
color => "never",
fat => 0.223,
output_format => "linear_text",
package_size => 20,
protein => 0.99,
saturated_fat => 0.01,
serving_size => 175,
sodium => 0.223,
sugar => 7.173
".---------------------------------------------------------------------------------.\n| *INFORMASI NILAI GIZI* *JUMLAH PER KEMASAN (20 g)* : *Energi total 10 kkal*, |\n| Energi dari lemak 0 kkal, Energi dari lemak jenuh 0 kkal, *Lemak total 0 g (0% |\n| AKG)*, *Lemak jenuh 0 g (0% AKG)*, *Protein 0 g (0% AKG)*, *Karbohidrat total 3 |\n| g (1% AKG)*, *Gula 1 g*, *Garam (Natrium) 0 mg (0% AKG)*. /Persen AKG |\n| berdasarkan kebutuhan energi 2150 kkal. Kebutuhan energi Anda mungkin lebih |\n| tinggi atau lebih rendah./ |\n`---------------------------------------------------------------------------------'\n",
"cmdline.skip_format" => 1,
"func.raw" => {
carbohydrate_per_pkg => 2.6226,
carbohydrate_per_pkg_rounded => 3,
energy_from_fat_per_pkg => 3.51225,
energy_from_fat_per_pkg_rounded => 0,
energy_from_saturated_fat_per_pkg => 0.018,
energy_from_saturated_fat_per_pkg_rounded => 0,
per_package_ing => 1,
protein_per_pkg => 0.198,
protein_per_pkg_rounded => 0,
saturated_fat_per_pkg => 0.002,
saturated_fat_per_pkg_rounded => 0,
sodium_per_pkg => 0.0446,
sodium_per_pkg_rounded => 0,
total_energy_pct_dv => 0.543432558139535,
total_energy_pct_dv_rounded => 1,
total_energy_per_pkg => 11.6838,
total_energy_per_pkg_rounded => 10,
total_fat_per_pkg => 0.0446,
total_fat_per_pkg_rounded => 0,
total_sugar_per_pkg => 1.4346,
total_sugar_per_pkg_rounded => 1,
* The same example in vertical HTML table format:
carbohydrate => 13.113,
fat => 0.223,
output_format => "vertical_html_table",
package_size => 20,
protein => 0.99,
saturated_fat => 0.01,
serving_size => 175,
sodium => 0.223,
sugar => 7.173
\n |
\nEnergi total 10 kkal |
\n | % AKG* |
\nLemak total | 0 g | 0 % | |
\nLemak jenuh | 0 g | 0 % | |
\nProtein | 0 g | 0 % | |
\nKarbohidrat total | 3 g | 1 % | |
\nGula | 1 g | | |
\nGaram (Natrium) | 0 mg | 0 % | |
\n*Persen AKG berdasarkan kebutuhan energi 2150 kkal. Kebutuhan energi Anda mungkin lebih tinggi atau lebih rendah. |
"cmdline.skip_format" => 1,
"func.raw" => {
carbohydrate_per_pkg => 2.6226,
carbohydrate_per_pkg_rounded => 3,
energy_from_fat_per_pkg => 3.51225,
energy_from_fat_per_pkg_rounded => 0,
energy_from_saturated_fat_per_pkg => 0.018,
energy_from_saturated_fat_per_pkg_rounded => 0,
per_package_ing => 1,
protein_per_pkg => 0.198,
protein_per_pkg_rounded => 0,
saturated_fat_per_pkg => 0.002,
saturated_fat_per_pkg_rounded => 0,
sodium_per_pkg => 0.0446,
sodium_per_pkg_rounded => 0,
total_energy_pct_dv => 0.543432558139535,
total_energy_pct_dv_rounded => 1,
total_energy_per_pkg => 11.6838,
total_energy_per_pkg_rounded => 10,
total_fat_per_pkg => 0.0446,
total_fat_per_pkg_rounded => 0,
total_sugar_per_pkg => 1.4346,
total_sugar_per_pkg_rounded => 1,
* The same example, in vertical text format (color/emphasis is shown
with markup):
carbohydrate => 13.113,
color => "never",
fat => 0.223,
output_format => "vertical_text_table",
package_size => 20,
protein => 0.99,
saturated_fat => 0.01,
serving_size => 175,
sodium => 0.223,
sugar => 7.173
".---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.\n| *INFORMASI NILAI GIZI* |\n| |\n| *JUMLAH PER KEMASAN (20 g)* |\n| *Energi total 10 kkal* |\n+-----------------------|----------------------|-----------------------+----------------------|-----------------------+\n| | *% AKG** |\n| *Lemak total* | *0 g* | 0 % | |\n| *Lemak jenuh* | *0 g* | 0 % | |\n| *Protein* | *0 g* | 0 % | |\n| *Karbohidrat total* | *3 g* | 1 % | |\n| *Gula* | *1 g* | | |\n| *Garam (Natrium)* | *0 mg* | 0 % | |\n+-----------------------|----------------------+-----------------------+----------------------+-----------------------+\n| /*Persen AKG berdasarkan kebutuhan energi 2150 kkal. Kebutuhan energi Anda mungkin lebih tinggi atau lebih rendah./ |\n`---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'\n",
"cmdline.skip_format" => 1,
"func.raw" => {
carbohydrate_per_pkg => 2.6226,
carbohydrate_per_pkg_rounded => 3,
energy_from_fat_per_pkg => 3.51225,
energy_from_fat_per_pkg_rounded => 0,
energy_from_saturated_fat_per_pkg => 0.018,
energy_from_saturated_fat_per_pkg_rounded => 0,
per_package_ing => 1,
protein_per_pkg => 0.198,
protein_per_pkg_rounded => 0,
saturated_fat_per_pkg => 0.002,
saturated_fat_per_pkg_rounded => 0,
sodium_per_pkg => 0.0446,
sodium_per_pkg_rounded => 0,
total_energy_pct_dv => 0.543432558139535,
total_energy_pct_dv_rounded => 1,
total_energy_per_pkg => 11.6838,
total_energy_per_pkg_rounded => 10,
total_fat_per_pkg => 0.0446,
total_fat_per_pkg_rounded => 0,
total_sugar_per_pkg => 1.4346,
total_sugar_per_pkg_rounded => 1,
* The same example, in calculation text format:
carbohydrate => 13.113,
color => "never",
fat => 0.223,
output_format => "calculation_text",
package_size => 20,
protein => 0.99,
saturated_fat => 0.01,
serving_size => 175,
sodium => 0.223,
sugar => 7.173
".-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.\n| *PERHITUNGAN INFORMASI NILAI GIZI* |\n| *Energi total* |\n| Energi total per 100 g | = lemak \xD7 9 + protein \xD7 4 + karbohidrat \xD7 4 = 0.223 \xD7 9 + 0.99 \xD7 4 + 13.113 \xD7 4 = 58.419 kkal |\n| Energi total per kemasan 20 g | = 58.419 \xD7 20 / 100 = 11.6838 kkal |\n| (dibulatkan: <5 -> 0, <=50 -> 5 kkal terdekat, >50 -> 10 kkal terdekat) | = *10* kkal |\n| | |\n| *%AKG energi total* |\n| %AKG | = 11.6838 / 2150 \xD7 100 = 0.543432558139535 |\n| (dibulatkan ke % terdekat) | = *1* |\n| *Energi dari lemak* |\n| Energi dari lemak per 100 g | = lemak \xD7 9 = 0.223 \xD7 9 = 2.007 kkal |\n| Energi dari lemak per kemasan 20 g | = 2.007 \xD7 20 / 100 = 3.51225 kkal |\n| (dibulatkan: <5 -> 0, <=50 -> 5 kkal terdekat, >50 -> 10 kkal terdekat) | = *0* kkal |\n| *Energi dari lemak jenuh* |\n| Energi dari lemak per 100 g | = lemak jenuh \xD7 9 = 0.01 \xD7 9 = 0.09 kkal |\n| Energi dari lemak jenuh per kemasan 20 g | = 0.09 \xD7 20 / 100 = 0.018 kkal |\n| (dibulatkan: <5 -> 0, <=50 -> 5 kkal terdekat, >50 -> 10 kkal terdekat) | = *0* kkal |\n| *Lemak total* |\n| Lemak total per 100 g | = 0.223 g |\n| Lemak total per kemasan 20 g | = 0.223 \xD7 20 / 100 = 0.0446 g |\n| (dibulatkan: <0.5 -> 0, <=5 -> 0.5 g terdekat, >=5 -> 1 g terdekat) | = *0* g |\n| | |\n| *%AKG lemak total* |\n| %AKG | = 0.0446 / 67 \xD7 100 = 0.0665671641791045 |\n| (dibulatkan ke % terdekat) | = *0* |\n| *Lemak jenuh* |\n| Lemak jenuh per 100 g | = 0.01 g |\n| Lemak jenuh per kemasan 20 g | = 0.01 \xD7 20 / 100 = 0.002 g |\n| (dibulatkan: <0.5 -> 0, <=5 -> 0.5 g terdekat, >=5 -> 1 g terdekat) | = *0* g |\n| | |\n| *%AKG lemak jenuh* |\n| %AKG | = 0.002 / 67 \xD7 100 = 0.01 |\n| (dibulatkan ke % terdekat) | = *0* |\n| *Protein* |\n| Protein per 100 g | = 0.99 g |\n| Protein total per kemasan 20 g | = 0.99 \xD7 20 / 100 = 0.198 g |\n| (dibulatkan: <0.5 -> 0, >=0.5 -> 1 g terdekat) | = *0* g |\n| | |\n| *%AKG protein* |\n| %AKG | = 0.198 / 60 \xD7 100 = 0.33 |\n| (dibulatkan ke % terdekat) | = *0* |\n| *Karbohidrat total* |\n| Karbohidrat total per 100 g | = 13.113 g |\n| Karbohidrat total per kemasan 20 g | = 13.113 \xD7 20 / 100 = 2.6226 g |\n| (dibulatkan: <0.5 -> 0, >=0.5 -> 1 g terdekat) | = *3* g |\n| | |\n| *%AKG karbohidrat total* |\n| %AKG | = 2.6226 / 325 \xD7 100 = 0.0665671641791045 |\n| (dibulatkan ke % terdekat) | = *1* |\n| *Gula* |\n| Gula per 100 g | = 7.173 g |\n| Gula per kemasan 20 g | = 7.173 \xD7 20 / 100 = 1.4346 g |\n| (dibulatkan: <0.5 -> 0, >=0.5 -> 1 g terdekat) | = *1* g |\n| *Natrium* |\n| Natrium per 100 g | = 0.223 mg |\n| Natrium per kemasan 20 g | = 0.223 \xD7 20 / 100 = 0.0446 mg |\n| (dibulatkan: <5 -> 0, <=140 -> 5 mg terdekat, >140 -> 10 mg terdekat) | = *0* mg |\n| | |\n| *%AKG natrium* |\n| %AKG | = 0.0446 / 1500 \xD7 100 = 0.00297333333333333 |\n| (dibulatkan ke % terdekat) | = *0* |\n`-------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'\n",
"cmdline.skip_format" => 1,
"func.raw" => {
carbohydrate_per_pkg => 2.6226,
carbohydrate_per_pkg_rounded => 3,
energy_from_fat_per_pkg => 3.51225,
energy_from_fat_per_pkg_rounded => 0,
energy_from_saturated_fat_per_pkg => 0.018,
energy_from_saturated_fat_per_pkg_rounded => 0,
per_package_ing => 1,
protein_per_pkg => 0.198,
protein_per_pkg_rounded => 0,
saturated_fat_per_pkg => 0.002,
saturated_fat_per_pkg_rounded => 0,
sodium_per_pkg => 0.0446,
sodium_per_pkg_rounded => 0,
total_energy_pct_dv => 0.543432558139535,
total_energy_pct_dv_rounded => 1,
total_energy_per_pkg => 11.6838,
total_energy_per_pkg_rounded => 10,
total_fat_per_pkg => 0.0446,
total_fat_per_pkg_rounded => 0,
total_sugar_per_pkg => 1.4346,
total_sugar_per_pkg_rounded => 1,
This function is not exported by default, but exportable.
Arguments ('*' denotes required arguments):
* biotin => *ufloat*
Biotin, in mcg/100g.
* biotin_nufact => *ufloat*
Biotin, in mcg/100g (value to be used in nutrition facts table
instead the lab test result).
* biotin_nufact_note => *str*
(No description)
* browser => *true*
View output HTML in browser instead of returning it.
* ca => *ufloat*
Calcium, in mg/100g.
* ca_nufact => *ufloat*
Calcium, in mg/100g (value to be used in nutrition facts table
instead the lab test result).
* ca_nufact_note => *str*
(No description)
* carbohydrate* => *ufloat*
Total carbohydrate, in g/100g.
* carbohydrate_nufact => *ufloat*
Total carbohydrate, in g/100g (value to be used in nutrition facts
table instead the lab test result).
* carbohydrate_nufact_note => *str*
(No description)
* cholesterol => *ufloat*
Cholesterol, in mg/100g.
* cholesterol_nufact => *ufloat*
Cholesterol, in mg/100g (value to be used in nutrition facts table
instead the lab test result).
* cholesterol_nufact_note => *str*
(No description)
* choline => *ufloat*
Choline, in mg/100g.
* choline_nufact => *ufloat*
Choline, in mg/100g (value to be used in nutrition facts table
instead the lab test result).
* choline_nufact_note => *str*
(No description)
* color => *str* (default: "auto")
(No description)
* cr => *ufloat*
Chromium, in mcg/100g.
* cr_nufact => *ufloat*
Chromium, in mcg/100g (value to be used in nutrition facts table
instead the lab test result).
* cr_nufact_note => *str*
(No description)
* cu => *ufloat*
Copper, in mcg/100g.
* cu_nufact => *ufloat*
Copper, in mcg/100g (value to be used in nutrition facts table
instead the lab test result).
* cu_nufact_note => *str*
(No description)
* fat* => *ufloat*
Total fat, in g/100g.
* fat_nufact => *ufloat*
Total fat, in g/100g (value to be used in nutrition facts table
instead the lab test result).
* fat_nufact_note => *str*
(No description)
* fe => *ufloat*
Iron, in mg/100g.
* fe_nufact => *ufloat*
Iron, in mg/100g (value to be used in nutrition facts table instead
the lab test result).
* fe_nufact_note => *str*
(No description)
* fluorine => *ufloat*
Fluorine, in mg/100g.
* fluorine_nufact => *ufloat*
Fluorine, in mg/100g (value to be used in nutrition facts table
instead the lab test result).
* fluorine_nufact_note => *str*
(No description)
* folate => *ufloat*
Folate (vitamin B9), in mcg/100g.
* folate_nufact => *ufloat*
Folate (vitamin B9), in mcg/100g (value to be used in nutrition
facts table instead the lab test result).
* folate_nufact_note => *str*
(No description)
* has_claims => *bool*
Whether food is registered as having claims.
* iodium => *ufloat*
Iodium, in mcg/100g.
* iodium_nufact => *ufloat*
Iodium, in mcg/100g (value to be used in nutrition facts table
instead the lab test result).
* iodium_nufact_note => *str*
(No description)
* k => *ufloat*
Potassium, in mg/100g.
* k_nufact => *ufloat*
Potassium, in mg/100g (value to be used in nutrition facts table
instead the lab test result).
* k_nufact_note => *str*
(No description)
* mg => *ufloat*
Magnesium, in mg/100g.
* mg_nufact => *ufloat*
Magnesium, in mg/100g (value to be used in nutrition facts table
instead the lab test result).
* mg_nufact_note => *str*
(No description)
* mn => *ufloat*
Manganese, in mcg/100g.
* mn_nufact => *ufloat*
Manganese, in mcg/100g (value to be used in nutrition facts table
instead the lab test result).
* mn_nufact_note => *str*
(No description)
* name => *str*
(No description)
* output_format => *str* (default: "vertical_text_table")
Pick an output format for the nutrition fact.
"vertical_text_table" is the default. The /(vertical)?.*table/
formats presents the information in a table, while the /linear/
formats presents the information in a paragraph.
* package_size* => *ufloat*
Packaging size, in g.
* phosphorus => *ufloat*
Phosphorus, in mg/100g.
* phosphorus_nufact => *ufloat*
Phosphorus, in mg/100g (value to be used in nutrition facts table
instead the lab test result).
* phosphorus_nufact_note => *str*
(No description)
* protein* => *ufloat*
Protein, in g/100g.
* protein_nufact => *ufloat*
Protein, in g/100g (value to be used in nutrition facts table
instead the lab test result).
* protein_nufact_note => *str*
(No description)
* saturated_fat* => *ufloat*
Saturated fat, in g/100g.
* saturated_fat_nufact => *ufloat*
Saturated fat, in g/100g (value to be used in nutrition facts table
instead the lab test result).
* saturated_fat_nufact_note => *str*
(No description)
* se => *ufloat*
Selenium, in mcg/100g.
* se_nufact => *ufloat*
Selenium, in mcg/100g (value to be used in nutrition facts table
instead the lab test result).
* se_nufact_note => *str*
(No description)
* serving_size* => *ufloat*
Serving size, in g.
* sodium* => *ufloat*
Sodium, in mg/100g.
* sodium_nufact => *ufloat*
Sodium, in mg/100g (value to be used in nutrition facts table
instead the lab test result).
* sodium_nufact_note => *str*
(No description)
* sugar* => *ufloat*
Total sugar, in g/100g.
* sugar_nufact => *ufloat*
Total sugar, in g/100g (value to be used in nutrition facts table
instead the lab test result).
* sugar_nufact_note => *str*
(No description)
* va => *ufloat*
Vitamin A, in mcg/100g (all-trans-)retinol.
* va_nufact => *ufloat*
Vitamin A, in mcg/100g (all-trans-)retinol (value to be used in
nutrition facts table instead the lab test result).
* va_nufact_note => *str*
(No description)
* vb1 => *ufloat*
Vitamin B1, in mg/100g.
* vb12 => *ufloat*
Vitamin B12, in mcg/100g.
* vb12_nufact => *ufloat*
Vitamin B12, in mcg/100g (value to be used in nutrition facts table
instead the lab test result).
* vb12_nufact_note => *str*
(No description)
* vb1_nufact => *ufloat*
Vitamin B1, in mg/100g (value to be used in nutrition facts table
instead the lab test result).
* vb1_nufact_note => *str*
(No description)
* vb2 => *ufloat*
Vitamin B2, in mg/100g.
* vb2_nufact => *ufloat*
Vitamin B2, in mg/100g (value to be used in nutrition facts table
instead the lab test result).
* vb2_nufact_note => *str*
(No description)
* vb3 => *ufloat*
Vitamin B3, in mg/100g.
* vb3_nufact => *ufloat*
Vitamin B3, in mg/100g (value to be used in nutrition facts table
instead the lab test result).
* vb3_nufact_note => *str*
(No description)
* vb5 => *ufloat*
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), in mg/100g.
* vb5_nufact => *ufloat*
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), in mg/100g (value to be used in
nutrition facts table instead the lab test result).
* vb5_nufact_note => *str*
(No description)
* vb6 => *ufloat*
Vitamin B6, in mg/100g.
* vb6_nufact => *ufloat*
Vitamin B6, in mg/100g (value to be used in nutrition facts table
instead the lab test result).
* vb6_nufact_note => *str*
(No description)
* vc => *ufloat*
Vitamin C, in mg/100g.
* vc_nufact => *ufloat*
Vitamin C, in mg/100g (value to be used in nutrition facts table
instead the lab test result).
* vc_nufact_note => *str*
(No description)
* vd => *ufloat*
Vitamin D, in mcg.
* vd_nufact => *ufloat*
Vitamin D, in mcg (value to be used in nutrition facts table instead
the lab test result).
* vd_nufact_note => *str*
(No description)
* ve => *ufloat*
Vitamin E, in mg alpha-TE (tocopherol-equivalent).
* ve_nufact => *ufloat*
Vitamin E, in mg alpha-TE (tocopherol-equivalent) (value to be used
in nutrition facts table instead the lab test result).
* ve_nufact_note => *str*
(No description)
* vk => *ufloat*
Vitamin K, in mcg.
* vk_nufact => *ufloat*
Vitamin K, in mcg (value to be used in nutrition facts table instead
the lab test result).
* vk_nufact_note => *str*
(No description)
* zn => *ufloat*
Zinc, in mg/100g.
* zn_nufact => *ufloat*
Zinc, in mg/100g (value to be used in nutrition facts table instead
the lab test result).
* zn_nufact_note => *str*
(No description)
Returns an enveloped result (an array).
First element ($status_code) is an integer containing HTTP-like status
code (200 means OK, 4xx caller error, 5xx function error). Second
element ($reason) is a string containing error message, or something
like "OK" if status is 200. Third element ($payload) is the actual
result, but usually not present when enveloped result is an error
response ($status_code is not 2xx). Fourth element (%result_meta) is
called result metadata and is optional, a hash that contains extra
information, much like how HTTP response headers provide additional
Return value: (any)
Please visit the project's homepage at
Source repository is at
Other "App::BPOMUtils::*" distributions.
To contribute, you can send patches by email/via RT, or send pull
requests on GitHub.
Most of the time, you don't need to build the distribution yourself. You
can simply modify the code, then test via:
% prove -l
If you want to build the distribution (e.g. to try to install it locally
on your system), you can install Dist::Zilla,
Pod::Weaver::PluginBundle::Author::PERLANCAR, and sometimes one or two
other Dist::Zilla- and/or Pod::Weaver plugins. Any additional steps
required beyond that are considered a bug and can be reported to me.
This software is copyright (c) 2024 by perlancar .
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website
When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch
to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.