NAME MODS::Record - Perl extension for handling MODS records SYNOPSIS use MODS::Record qw(xml_string); my $mods = MODS::Record->new; my $collection = MODS::Collection->new; my $mods = $collection->add_mods(ID => '1234'); $mods->add_abstract("Hello", lang => 'eng'); $mods->add_abstract("Bonjour", lang => 'fra'); # Set a deeply nested field... $mods->add_language()->add_languageTerm('eng'); # Set a list of deeply nested fields... $mods->add_location(sub { $_[0]->add_physicalLocation('here'); $_[0]->add_shelfLocation('here too'); $_[0]->add_url(''); }); # Set an inline XML extension... $mods->add_accessCondition(xml_string("<x:foo><x:bar>21212</x:bar></x:foo>")); # Retrieve a field by a filter... $mods->get_abstract(lang => 'fra')->body("Bonjour :)"); $mods->get_abstract(lang => 'fra')->contentType('text/plain'); for ($mods->get_abstract(lang => 'fra')) { printf "%s\n" , $_->body; } # Set a field to a new value my @newabstract; for ($mods->get_abstract) { push @newabstract, $_ unless $_->lang eq 'fra'; } $mods->set_abstract(@newabstract); # Clear all abstracts; $mods->set_abstract(undef); # Serialize print $mods->as_json(pretty => 1); print $mods->as_xml; # Deserialize my $mods = MODS::Record->from_xml(IO::File->new('mods.xml')); my $mods = MODS::Record->from_json(IO::File->new('mods.js')); DESCRIPTION This module provides MODS ( parsing and creation for MODS Schema 3.5. METHODS MODS::Record->new(%attribs) MODS::Collection->new(%attribs) Create a new MODS record or collection. Optionally attributes can be provided as defined by the MODS specification. E.g. $mods = MODS::Record->new(ID='123'); add_xxx() Add a new element to the record where 'xxx' is the name of a MODS element (e.g. titleInfo, name, genre, etc). This method returns an instance of the added MODS element. E.g. $titleInfo = $mods->add_titleInfo; # $titleInfo is a 'MODS::Element::TitleInfo' add_xxx($text,%attribs) Add a new element to the record where 'xxx' is the name of a MODS element. Set the text content of the element to $text and optionally provide further attributes. This method returns an instance of the added MODS element. E.g. $mods->add_abstract("My abstract", lang=>'eng'); add_xxx(sub { }) Add a new element to the record where 'xxx' is the name of a MODS element. The provided coderef gets as input an instance of the added MODS element. This method returns an instance of the added MODS element. E.g. $mods->add_abstract(sub { my $o = shift; $o->body("My abstract"); $o->lang("eng"); }) add_xxx($obj) Add a new element to the record where 'xxx' is the name of a MODS element. The $obj is an instance of a MODS::Element::Xxx class (where Xxx is the corresponding MODS element). This method returns an instance of the added MODS element. E.g. $mods->add_abstract( MODS::Element::Abstract->new(_body=>'My abstract', lang=>'eng') ); get_xxx() get_xxx(%filter) get_xxx(sub { }) Retrieve an element from the record where 'xxx' is the name of a MODS element. This methods return in array context all the matching elements or the first match in scalar context. Optionally provide a %filter or a coderef filter function. E.g. @titles = $mods->get_titleInfo(); $alt = $mods->get_titleInfo(type=>'alternate'); $alt = $mods->get_titleInfo(sub { shift->type eq 'alternate'}); set_xxxx() set_xxx(undef) set_xxx($array_ref) set_xxx($xxx1,$xxx2,...) Set an element of the record to a new value where 'xxx' is the name of a MODS element. When no arguments are provided, then this is a null operation. When undef als argument is provided, then the element is deleted. To overwrite the existing content of the element an ARRAY (ref) of MODS::Element::Xxx can be provided (where 'Xxx' is the corresponding MODS element). E.g. # Delete all abstracts $mods->abstract(undef); # Set all abstracts $mods->abstract(MODS::Element::Abstract->new(), MODS::Element::Abstract->new(), ...); $mods->abstract([ MODS::Element::Abstract->new(), MODS::Element::Abstract->new(), ... ]); as_xml() as_xml(xml_prolog=>1) Return the record as XML. from_xml($string) from_xml(IO::Handle) Parse an XML string or IO::Handle into a MODS::Record. as_json() as_json(pretty=>1) Return the record as JSON string. from_json($string) from_json(IO::Handle) Parse and JSON string or JSON::Handle into a MODS::Record. SEE ALSO * Library Of Congress MODS pages ( DESIGN NOTES * I'm not a MODS expert * I needed a MODS module to parse and create MODS records for our institutional repository * This module is not created for speed * This module doesn't have any notion of ordering of MODS elements themselves (e.g. first 'titleInfo', then 'name'). But each sub-element keeps its original order (e.g. each 'title' in 'titleInfo'). AUTHORS * Patrick Hochstenbach <Patrick . Hochstenbach at UGent . be>