#!/usr/bin/env perl # dnsperf.pl DNS server performance test program. # Graham Jenkins <grahjenk@cpan.org> Revised: 2020-08-03 =head1 NAME dnsperf - a tool for comparing DNS servers =head1 USAGE dnsperf duration A set of DNS queries is performed for the 'duration' period in seconds using each of the servers shown at the end of this program, and the success counts for each server are then listed in order. =head1 SCRIPT CATEGORIES UNIX/System_administration Networking =head1 AUTHOR Graham Jenkins <grahjenk@cpan.org> =head1 README A simple tool for comparing the response times of designated DNS servers. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2020 Graham Jenkins. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut use strict; use warnings; use File::Basename; use Getopt::Long; use Config; use HTTP::Tiny; use Net::Nslookup; use Time::HiRes qw(time); use vars qw($VERSION); $VERSION=1.05; # Collect options, check usage my ($type,$secs)=("A",1); die "Usage: ".basename($0)." duration(secs)\n". " e.g.: ".basename($0)." 3\n". " Note: Duration must be in the range 1 through 10\n" if( ($#ARGV!=0) || ($ARGV[0]!~m/\d+$/) || ($ARGV[0]<1) || ($ARGV[0]>10) ); # Get a list of the most popular websites my $count=int(100*$ARGV[0]*1.1**($ARGV[0]-1)); my $resp= HTTP::Tiny->new->get( 'https://tranco-list.eu/download/K3VW/'.$count); $resp->{success} or die "$resp->{status} $resp->{reason}\n"; # Extract and store the entries in a table my @lines=split("\n",$resp->{content}); for (my $i=0;$i<=$#lines;$i++) { my ($d1,$d2)=split(",",$lines[$i]); $d2=~s/\r|\n//g; $lines[$i]=$d2 } # Swallow STDERR, autoflush STDOUT my $null; if ( $Config{osname} =~ /Win(32|64)$/i ) {$null="NUL"} else {$null="/dev/null"} open(STDERR,">$null"); $|++; # Test each server in turn by counting queries returned in designated duration my ($key,$address,,%success,$clock0,$result); print "Generating results using a list of ",$#lines+1," websites: "; while ( <DATA> ) { chomp; $key=$_; if ( $key=~m/\#/ ) { next } ($address,)=split(/\s+/); $success{$key}=0; my $i=-1; $clock0=time(); while (time() < $clock0+$ARGV[0]) { if ( $i>=$#lines ) { $i=-1 } my $host=$lines[$i++]; if ( substr($address,0,1) eq "L") { $result=nslookup(host=>$host,type=>$type,timeout=>$secs) } else { $result=nslookup(host=>$host,type=>$type,timeout=>$secs,server=>$address) } if ( defined($result) ) { $success{$key}+=1 } } print "." } # Sort and print in ascending order of average query time my @sorted= sort {$success{$b} <=> $success{$a}} keys(%success); print "\nCount\n-----\n"; foreach my $line (@sorted) { my $a=$success{$line}; print substr(" ",0,5-length($a)).$a," ",$line,"\n" } __END__ Local-Cache == Google Cloudflare Quad9 Router .. adjust as appropriate Provider DNS .. adjust as appropriate # Insert further entries here